“Me and my messy marketing have gotten me this far, so it can't be that bad”
That's a direct quote from a call with some of my biz besties a few weeks ago.
See, I've realized something about myself, friend…
I am not the kind of person who can research how to launch something, plan out an intense, multi-step funnel and email sequence, put it all in my PM tool, AND execute that plan.
Literally listening to people talk about that makes my brain melt.
For someone who talks a lot about being strategic, making a plan, and setting goals you keep up with, my marketing falls preeeettty short of that most of the time.
Too honest? I warned you I'm an oversharer!
But here I am, post-digital-product-launch, talking to you, running a successful-for-me service-based business.
I didn't do it with a detailed plan. Or content pillars. Or a coach.
I said I would post 2x a week on Instagram and show up on stories as frequently as possible
I decided I'd start an email list and keep up with it
I launched my website and promised myself I'd blog twice a month
If you read any social media or marketing manager's feed, they'd say that's not a strategy. (And I'd have to agree.)
But it was a plan. And I followed through on that plan.
Was this the most perfect launch in existence? Probably not.
The launch strategists and sales page experts and email marketing queens on this very list could point out any number of missteps in this process.
And honestly, if I think too hard about that fact, I'll cringe. hard. 😬
But I did the damn thing. And to me, that's a win.
All I really have to say to you today, bestie, is THANK YOU.
Whether you've been following along for weeks or for years, your support, questions, and feedback have made growing this business possible.
You're here for the messy marketing, because you're here for me.
The same is true of your audience.
If there's one thing I want you to take away from this email, it's that your marketing should be as you as possible.
You are the thing that makes your service unique. Not your deliverables or how "perfect" your marketing plan is.
And if you're getting stuck trying to follow some expert's advice to the letter, throw 👏 it 👏 out 👏
Find the things that work for you. The systems and processes that work for you.
If it looks "messy" from the outside, consider this your official permission slip to embrace the mess.
You know what they say... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
It's all about keeping it simple baby 😎
..whiiiiiich brings me to the other topic of this edition of The Thursday Press – simplifying your marketing process.
It can be hard to realize that sometimes we're getting in our own way when it comes to marketing.
Especially if you're still rocking the solopreneur badge of honor, you wear a bunch of hats, and marketing might be the biggest of them all.
But let's make it one that's easy to wear like your favorite beanie instead of a multi-tiered monstrosity fit for the Kentucky Derby, k?
In addition to being more you in your online presence (messy or not), here are 3 more ways to reduce friction in your marketing so you can stop overthinking and get your shit out there already!
Give yourself permission to half-ass something. Getting stuck in the all-or-nothing mindset usually ends in just plain nothing.
Make it easier to do the thing than to not. I love a good system, but if it's hard to use or stick to, you won't keep up with it.
Accept that posting in the moment is a-okay! (So is scheduling it out and not worrying about being online at the perfect moment. Choose what's best for you.)
Sticking to the spirit of keeping things simple, I'll let you read the rest of my tips to make marketing easier in the blog post linked below!
7 Mindset Shifts to Make Marketing Easier
If any of these resonated with you, or you have your own tips/hurdles/messiness you want to share, hit ‘reply’ and gimme the deets! I'd love to know I'm not the only one intimidated by planning & organization. 😅
Oh, & thanks again for all the support this past week. Love ya, mean it! 🫶